Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What if you dont get through for three days?

would it affect you in any opening?What if you dont get through for three days?
it's called fast and probably won't cause any long-term problems.
yes, and if your trying to lose cargo that way it won't work, your body will merely store fat.
probably not...i wouldn't recommend it though
if you're trying to lose immensity with this teqnique it wont work! You'll be tired and might even woozy! And even if you last once you drink again you'll eat so much that it wont even thing.
yes u would begin to starve, probably enjoy a headache and have stomach pains.y don't u try it n find out
It could engineer your body use to not eating. By this your body will start to burn food slowly to collect energy cause your metabolism to slow down.
Not at all. Actually it will do a great deal of good. Your digestive system will obtain a much-needed rest and you'll eliminate a bunch of toxins and other stuff.
youll get hold of really hungry
it is bad not to drink for a long period of time because your body will want food and when u finally munch through you will gain more weight than u be in the first place
You could serverly injure your reproductive system.
Most of your answerers have it right--there's nought wrong with fast for a few days--and there are some benefits. Fasting regularly is lethal, though. If your body gets used to fast it goes into "starvation mode" and stores any unused calroies as flabby more readily.
Be sure that you drink plenty of filtered marine, and even watered-down juice. Your body still requests fluids.

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