Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What if i filch creatine and bulid my msucle and next not here traning what will crop up to my body ?

What if i filch creatine and bulid my msucle and next not here traning what will crop up to my body ?
whatever you run it doesn't matter if you stop training you'll loose the muscles that you have because the body identifies the muscles aren't called for anymore and tend to get rid of them
you grow tubby.
Creatine helps but also make you retain water. You would basically lose the water shipment but it wont hurt you if you left training for a WHILE ONLY. Its in truth better if you stop for a while because muscle gains come enormously fast one and only in the beggining and if you pocket some time off, when you start again the muscle will start growing speedy again. Obviously if you never work out after that you muscles will be used up for energy- dissapearing.
It appears likely that nil will happen. You may put on a touch fluid weight or experience nausea, but at hand is no reported adverse effects from supplementing your diet with creatinine. I am not sure nearby is a real benefit any. It doesn't appear it would hurt to find out.
Why start on body building products if you're not planning on training and doing the hard yard. Yes, I know u want to build muscle and then stop training, but as soon as u stop training it won't filch long before it turns into plump, about a month. It's not the creatine, it's u who builds muscle beside food & at least 2 days a week & at least possible an hour or more of free weights each time. Maybe bring a skipping rope and lots of stairs. Don't forget there's also muscle memory where the muscle remembers how big it can seize it does it much quicker than last time u tried. Eat at smallest 3 sitting meals a light of day. 2 carb & 1 protein.

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