Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is the average wieght for...?

What is a normal wieght for a girl who is 5'7"?What is the average wieght for...?
From that site base on medium build: Based on your stage, your ideal cargo range is between 133 and 147 pounds.
Id speak anywhere from 125-135 is normal.
About 135. I am 24 years dated, 5'7 and weigh 146lbs..size 8. I am trying to get to 135 so I can be a size 6 again!
Ideal wieght is 121-159lbs
Anywhere from 120-150 i would utter. Unless you have a great deal of muscle, then i would vote just cut your bmi.
i don't really know but i'm so jealous of your stature, your so lucky

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